Want to Go to Europe This Summer? Here Are Your Options

By Ceylon Yeginsu - March 27, 2020

For American travelers hoping to head abroad, answers to questions about which countries they can visit and what the future might hold. (edited for brevity)

Most of Europe has been off-limits to most U.S. citizens for over a year, …But some European countries have started to welcome vaccinated travelers, including American tourists, and others are making preparations to ease restrictions in time for the summer season.

Vaccine and health certificates that would help speed travel are under development, which could make it easier for tourism to restart. The 27 member countries of the European Union have endorsed the idea of a vaccine certificate.

Greece, one of the most popular European summer destinations for Americans, announced this month that it would reopen for all tourists in mid-May, as long as they show proof of vaccination, antibodies or a negative Covid-19 test result before traveling. All visitors will be subject to random testing upon arrival.

This is the first time we have read of a concrete date when Greece will re-open, so we are thrilled. 

We will continue keeping in touch with developments for you and let us know if you have any questions or concerns.


Europe is Open Again!
